Rule 3.8 governs Originating Applications. (Rule located here, form located here).

At the same time that you file and serve your Originating Application, you will file be expected to file and serve an accompanying Affidavit (form located here). An affidavit is a sworn written document explaining and attaching all of the facts and evidence you are relying on to support your application. Many people show up to court and expect to present their facts and evidence for the first time before the judge. This is not how civil court works. All of your evidence has to be contained in an affidavit that is filed with the Court with copies served on all parties before the application. For originating applications, the application and the affidavit must be served at least 10 days before your application is set to be heard (Rule 3.9).

When accompanying an originating application, your affidavit can only contain facts that are within your personal knowledge (Rule 3.8(2)). If you would like to admit evidence that is within the knowledge of another person, that person must also swear an affidavit. 

An affidavit must be sworn, meaning, you must swear (or affirm) that its content is true before a Commissioner of Oaths. This can be done at (for example) a lawyer's office, or at the court house.

When you appear at Court to have your application heard, it will be in Chambers before a judge. Many other lawyers with other matters will also be heard at that time. You will have to wait until your case is called. If your matter will take longer than 20 minutes, it is very possible that it will be set to a later date where it can be heard in the afternoon -- when more time is available.