Coming out to friends at school has been linked to decreases in depression, better life satisfaction and higher self-esteem.[1]  LGBT+ youth have always weighed the risks of coming out at school. However, a study done out of the University of Arizona found that the benefits of coming out outweighed the risks.[2] That being said ‘coming out’ to one’s friends, parents or teachers does have risks and each student must weigh those within their particular school and home setting to decide how best to be true to their identity.

There are many resources online about coming out.  Some resources and programs can be found at:

·      Human Rights Campaign – online:

·      “A Resource Guide to Coming Out” – online: Human Rights Campaign

·      “Coming out as you” – online: The Trevor Project

·      Camp fYrefly - online:

·      Youthsafe - online: Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre